Thursday, July 10, 2008

I Am Not Stalking Petunia Face, But I Just Had To Borrow This From Her And Post It For All Of You

First of all if you don't know who Petunia Face is, run, don't walk to her brilliant blog HERE
I borrowed this from her blog - click HERE to read the fine print...and let's please get out the hot tranny mess vote!


  1. Come up with your own content.

  2. Wow.. this is insane. What are your views on this pure ignorance?

  3. Aw, thank you Visual Vamp! And truth be told it's not even "my" content either! I borrowed it from another blog! hee hee. But that's the awesome thing about bloglandia--the free exhange of ideas and support. I just discovered your blog today and I LOVE it! :)

  4. Hello none, I do come up with my own content - did you have worms for breakfast? And donna, sorry this offended you, and didn't make you laugh. It is ignorant for sure, and sometimes pure ignorance is so insane (as you put it) that it makes you laugh. Just get out there and vote!!! And petunia face, thanks...
