My friend Sara pointed me to a little story in The NY Times by a favorite writer Penelope Green. To quote: "... new twist on a newish trend, particularly among boomer-age couples, known as living apart together, or L.A.T. for short, an acronym that describes those who commit to each other, but not to having the same address".
I think that most couples end up living together apart even at the same address. It used be twins beds, or maybe separate bedrooms. Maybe the garage workshop for the guy or a den, and a sewing room for the lady. You know, like in the old movie
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House. Even in a shared studio apartment, couples will find their own corners.
The most famous TV couple living together apart |
Our home is not overly large or small, and Alberto and I each have our own corners that we disappear into for the better part of a day. He has an upstairs office with all that he needs up there except for a bathroom and kitchen. I tend to work at the table in the breakfast area, and relax in the living room. As most couples do, we have different TV viewing preferences, though we will often watch a movie we like together, usually in bed, or in the living room. I don't visit the man cave very often.
The most famous movie couple living together apart |
Still doing it on TV - The Petries |
Living together apart - two guys - TV is still pretty uptight and does not show gay couples sleeping arrangments |
At night we sleep together in a bed big enough to accommodate two totally different sleeping styles, mine restless and active, his calm and serene. Cholo our dog sleeps with us until he can't stand my moving around, and Kitty Kitty Bang Bang the cat, is nocturnal, often patrolling the house.
This was groundbreaking TV in the 1970s - The Newharts in one big bed |
Sometimes I think about moving to the guest room because I feel my restlessness is disturbing, but I am old fashion and want to drop my head on the pillow every night next to the man I love.
The Times article is charming. About artists, a couple living in twin houses, one pink one blue, connected by a common patio.
Read it and find out how they came to this arrangement. The houses are charming to look at too.
Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera |
The artists as a couple that comes to mind with a similar living arrangement is Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. Married, divorced, and remarried, they had a home with separate areas connected by a covered foot bridge. Of course they lived a revolutionary lifestyle of an open marriage, and Frida was an invalid for her whole life. If you have ever been sick, even with a common flu, you know you don't want anyone sleeping with you.
The home of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, living together apart, two houses connected by a foot bridge |
What do you think of living together apart, in different houses, or in the same house?
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