Alberto had a beautiful voice. If you were ever at a milonga with us, you could hear him break into song, singing along with the tango being played. He often sang to me when we danced. He was just about to start voice lessons with one of our fellow dancers Denize, a gorgeous opera singer. She would get private tango lessons in exchange for voice lessons. Though he had a great natural singing voice, he wanted to know the mechanics of singing so he could really sing the tangos he loved so much. When we first met, we had a long distance start to our romance, he in California, me in New York and we spent long hours on the phone, and I reveled in his beautiful voice.
In Buenos Aires there is a school, a serious school, that trains people to speak on the radio. The sound is so distinctive of the DJs there. They take extreme pride in there craft and in their language. Alberto did not go that school, but he loved radio. He grew up listening to radio. So as he did with so many other things, he studied how the DJs presented their shows, how they spoke.
Alberto Paz - Radio del Tango |
He had a radio show in the 1990s in San Francisco dedicated to South American music, that eventually became an all tango radio show. I believe it was the only one of its kind ever aired in the United States, long before podcasts. Alberto and I often talked about doing a podcast together, a radio tango radio show on the internet. He loved my voice and said I had a perfect voice for radio and singing tangos.
Recently Alberto has been archiving his various work in the tango, including his radio shows calling it
The Best of Tiempo Nuevo. He remastered the tapes and put them on one of his five tango blogs,
Radio del Tango. Please go listen.
Today is another extraordinary day. I chose his clothes for the funeral. I picked a favorite black suit he often wore when we performed, a beautiful white shirt, a silk tie from the Frank Sinatra collection that I bought for him years ago in New Your, his signature red socks (I got him to wear red socks like Fred Astaire did). Of course he will have a well worn pair of dance shoes.
I also chose the music today for the funeral. I have not listened to tango music since he died a week ago. I put a CD player in our dressing room while I did my last valet ministrations for my darling Alberto. I cried and talked to him. Yesterday the preacher who will preach his funeral stopped by the house, and he was a great comfort to me and one of our tango daughters Eli. He told me to talk to Alberto.
His daughter Gina arrived yesterday. It is so very good to have her here. His son arrives tomorrow, my sister and Michael Pelkey on Wednesday.
Anyway, you know I am writer, and writing about Alberto is my comfort and my connection to him and to you my gentle readers who have been by my side for so long. Thank you for indulging me and supporting me in this time.
The funeral for Alberto Paz will be held Saturday, February 15 at
Schoen, 3827 Canal Street in New Orleans at 11 AM. Repast at our home
afterwards. Please in lieu of flowers make a contribution to Paypal fund
at to help with funeral expenses. Thank you.