Last summer I read Julie Julia (by Julie Powell), and My Life In France (by Julia Child).
Of course I loved them both.

I was new to blogging, so I was kind of non plussed by the fact that a blogger wrote the book, or most important that a blog lead to a book deal, which has now lead to a movie deal. A major big movie deal.

Many people still ask me why people blog. Fame? Fortune? Book deals? Geek computer loser?

For me, it wasn't about getting anything really. It was kind of let's see where this takes me, hopefully to take me off my ass, and out of a post Katrina funk.

Maybe at first I thought it was about getting comments, or site count hits. But that got way old, way fast, and like I threw away my scale twenty five years ago, I threw away counting comments or hits. I haven't looked at a site counter in months.

So what do I want? I want to make my personal magazine, because I like doing it. And anything else after that is gravy, a gift, a bonus, and a delight.
I heart sexy Stanley Tucci who plays Julia's husband
I also like connecting people to one another, in life, and via the blog.

What do you want? Book deal? To be liked and adored by all? Job? Pen pals? Fan club? Anon stalkers? Bully pulpit? Make you feel less insecure? Show off and share your smarts? Professional calling card? Marketing op? Commercial site that makes ad money? Teaching tool? Therapy? Meet cute?

Coming August 7 Julie & Julia THE MOVIE! I can't wait! It looks like a romp!

hey! i saw a preview for this movie last night. looked great. i too read my life in france. loved it so much. i have only recently heard about this other blogger chick julie so and so. good for her!! that is in no way what i hope to acheive with this blog. truth is my blog for me is JUST another creative outlet. no more no less. i do not look at site counters or any of that crapola. my husband does and tells me about it. what do i care if someone in croatia looks at my blog, for all i know its some creepy dude jacking off to a picture of me somewhere...or daughter!!!! seriously. gross, right? but you never know. i think the point is, i got into this blog thing posting primarily on design b/c that is a hobby of mine. design. blogging is fun, that's all. i have met cool people (YOU!) who i can honestly say i would actually put forth an effort to meet one day. there are a few of you really who i consider...well...friends?? is that wierd?
ReplyDeleteso long story short...blogging= fun, creative outlet.
Meet cute could be good!! Just kiddin'.....
ReplyDeleteI like the sound of this movie, xv.
I know why I blog, but I always forget. Good point.
ReplyDeleteI blog, therefor I am?
ReplyDeletejust kidding.
Meryl is decidedly too delicate to play Julia - no matter how hard they try. And they must have her standing on boxes - Julia was easily 6'. I met her once in Boston at a book signing - she was a lovely woman - very kind and open. Plus, who doesn't love a cook who drops thing and plops them back in the pan and says "who'll ever know?" Ha!
We can't wait to see this movie - JC had a wonderful rich life. What a totally charming woman. And like Julie, I literally taught myself to cook from her wonderful cookbook - I wish I had blogged about it then! Richie and I have bought some DVDs of some of her best shows - it so much fun to watch them again now.
ReplyDeleteTo this day when I don't know what's for dinner, I go on autopilot and make Julia's delicious chicken in paprika cream sauce. Always a hit.
I hope Meryl Street will do this role proud. Who's going to play the Visual Vamp when they make that movie I wonder?xo
I look forward to the movie. I think it will be so much fun to watch. Enjoyed this post. I have a question ...I am new to blogging and still counting comments...How do you know how many "hits" you have on a post? I have always wondered how many people look at it and if there was a way to tell. Thanks
ReplyDeleteI am salivating over this movie! I cannot wait.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what I want from my blog. A book deal? I wouldn't turn one down. But mostly, I'm just happy to have an outlet for all the pictures that I see in my head!!
And I do love your "magazine"!
Like most of the women I've met on line, I started with HGTV's Rate My Space. Some of the girls were starting blogs because of the hurtful comments they were getting
ReplyDeletefrom some 'idiots' on RMS. I had no idea how to start one, or if I wanted one. After all, I didn't even embrace the idea of having a computer when my husband first brought one home. I thought it was too impersonal to keep in touch with people that way. HOW WRONG I WAS!!!!!!!
I am so thankful for the wonderful, warm, talented people I've come to know here, and for all the new ones I'll meet in the future. I've always been a very social person, who ofen had a house full of company, at the drop of a pin. But since we moved our life is very different and our family and old friends are miles away. So having a blog for me, is a way to keep connected with people and life. I find they are far most interesting than the characters in 'THE SOAPS' that I watch. ;)
Thanks for asking, and thanks for being a new, very interesting friend.
PS... Yes, I have often thought of writing a book, even picked out several titles, like, Corporate Wives, The Metamorphosis Of Marian, and the latest one, My Mile Square..... LOL
I HEART your magazine too V (starting to like that expression - used to hate it :) )
ReplyDeleteAnd of course I already know that I blog for therapy!
Have a brilliant week!
Hey Miss V!
ReplyDeleteThe movie looks like it will be lots of fun, I remembering watching Julia Childs as a kid with my mom. On blogging...I got into it by the urging of an organizing association I belonged said if you're not blogging you should be. I like to find things I like and share them, if other people like too then that's great, if not, they won't read! I have enjoyed the new community of friends (like you!) and learning from seasoned decorators and enjoying the talent of others.
Love what you say here about why you blog. It's pretty much the same reason I'm thinking of starting my own. To entertain myself. To get at least some of the junk out of my brain that swims and swims around in there all day. To network with other creative people. Maybe to promote my newborn design biz? I guess that would be my *gravy*.
ReplyDeleteLove your blog too by the way... been reading a while but don't think I've commented yet (shame on me!). The posts about your experiences with the Grey Gardens Edies were fascinating. And the one I especially enjoyed most recently was about your walk to work!
I am so out of touch. i had no idea about this movie! God. Embarrassing.
ReplyDeleteI blogged because I wanted to write about design and my choices, loves, tips, haunts, mentors, idols. except everyone had already covered everything before me - i learned very quickly. now i blog because i like to write. it's therapy for me actually.
Hey Ms. V! The movie looks like it should be a good one. Meryl rarely lets us down.
ReplyDeleteI started blogging to see what it was all about for work (never started that day) Then it was a place that WASN'T work...and family. Just stuff I like.My time to be a teensy my own little magazine. I don't do counters.
Truth is nothing is original, but what is fresh is how each one of us sees things, talks about them, you know, re-invents the proverbial wheel, and how we share our enthusiasm with each other for the things that universially delight and excite and disappoint us as decor bloggers.
ReplyDeletexo xo
I've just started blogging (again), and while originally I found it a bit intimidating because I don't consider myself a writer, I do like the individual expression and the ability to be creative in a bit of a recycled way.
ReplyDeleteBlogging on design can be kind of like abstract art made with recycled materials...create something with others parts, put together with ones on perspective, and it equals something new and potentially exciting.
Tricia - Avolli
I read both of these books last year, too! It will be interesting to see how true Hollywood stays to the book - Julie's cooking style left something to be desired in the cleanliness catagory (remember the maggots?).
ReplyDeleteI am not a blogger, just an avid reader, so I can't answer your question. But I will say this - I am glad that you blog!
valorie, you could be the editor of ANY type of magazine and YOU would make it a success. You can take any topic and make it interesting,creative and pierce the hearts of anyone reading it. YOUR personal magazine is wonderful and it makes people from all walks of life feel good and think of alternate ways of viewing things. If anyone needs a lift, they just need to read your blog! LINDALINDA
ReplyDeleteTo make fabulous friends like you, of course :-)
ReplyDeleteI write my blog for you Valorie!
ReplyDeleteAnd to get the attention of, in no particular order, Martha Stewart, Conde Nast, an Italian with a vacant villa (or even a small cottage, I'm not choosey)that needs caretaking, and any publisher or movie producer.
That's about it :)
I think Julia the movie will be wonderful. This is the first I'm hearing of it. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteNow as for why I blog? Probably because I think I'm so darn smart and just have to get it out. I know, delusional much?
Also I'm a writer that's unpublished and I want to get my voice out there and build and audience so that when I am published I'll have one or two folks that I can say, "hey guess what? finally sold a book."
Now that I've started blogging I've grown to love the people I've met in the community and look forward to the back and forth shared conversations.
I saw the trailer Saturday pm and it looks fabuluuuuussss!!! Can not wait. Ordered the book on cd today for this wknds road trip and hopefully it will arrive on time.
ReplyDeleteI started a blog with two friends because we all have a mutual obsession with home and garden. Always braking for those open houses. We thought it would be fun to have a blog....and I have to say I love it. I love all the people I've met in person as well as the ones I have yet to meet but feel like i've known them forever.
ReplyDeleteI blog because I can't shut up.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see the movie. Food, great actresses, France, blogging, book deal, movie deal? What's not to like?
One thing I'd like is for your pictures not to be so pixelated! lol.
ReplyDeleteWhen my son was a toddler, he'd get one hour of cartoons and then we'd watch Julia. He became a chef. He said looking over my cookbooks, "Did you know your Julia Child books are first editions?" "I was at the revolution and have the butter and chocolate smears all over them to prove it." Julia Child was larger than life and I'm glad she was part of mine.
ReplyDeleteWow - I didn't know about this movie either - thanks for posting about it! At first I started blogging just to see if I could do it - kind of like a kid asking "hey can I play?" when I began reading other blogs. Then I started enjoying the writing aspect of it and had never even realized I might enjoy that has been a fun sort of self discovery thing.For a while I was intimidated by the really prolific bloggers and compared myself to them and all the comments they got, etc. Silly me.
ReplyDeleteNow I realize that everyone has a different life, different responsibilities, different amounts of time and reasons for blogging - and I just do it when I can find the time. It's a treat for me to sit and read design blogs and work on mine. I LOVE reading and discussing design, getting other's ideas and thoughts, and seeing what is going on in the world of art and design in different parts of the world. It has been and continues to be so much fun to connect with other people of like interests, and feel like you really would be friends if time and location allowed...... oops, sorry to be so long winded!
I SO love your attitude!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite from this post, "So what do I want? I want to make my personal magazine, because I like doing it. And anything else after that is gravy, a gift, a bonus, and a delight. I also like connecting people to one another, in life, and via the blog."
Blogging has made my life more alive--and I love that!
Hi Valorie...You're the Best!! I love the blogging community. I don't need to read the paper or watch the news when I can get all the relevant information I need by reading my fellow Bloggers posts. They are more interesting and informative than any print and unbiased. Thanks for your review of this upcoming movie and keep up the excellent editorials.
I read the WONDERFUL "My Life in France" last year, and heard shortly thereafter that a movie was in the works. I've every confidence that Meryl Streep can pull it off. She is a courageous actor who can transform herself. And that Stanley Tucci, he's gonna nail it. I can't wait to see this movie.
ReplyDeleteAs for the blogging issue: I'm just a groupie, not a blogger, but if the rest of my life wouldn't go to pot, I would be blogging for many of the same reasons you all have given. It's a brilliant creative outlet and a virtual "salon" for making relevant connections. There's nobody in the way to tell you how to do it or that you're not good enough to do it (ie, publishers and agents, though they have their place if you're taking a financial risk). Miz V., you are truly gifted. As someone who reads and writes constantly myself, it is your solid word-smithing and warm, personal, engaging style that kept me here once I found your blog. You're more than just a pretty picture. Your posts are like an excellently written journal, or letters to friends. Also, I think it will keep you sharp and ready for that day when you suddenly look up from your morning coffee and say, "It's time. I'm going to start my book today."
I can't wait to see this too... I saw a trailer last week-end while at the movie theatre... looks interesting... I had NO idea it involved a blog... thanks for that tidbit... the blog world is AMAZING! I may have to pick up those books too!
ReplyDeleteWhat I like about blogging is creating a fantasy world... painting what I see on blogs and on the internet... before blogging I painted what was around my REAL space... now I paint from EVERYWHERE... MORE variety... LOVE it!
Your blog is FAB! I pop in ALL the time... though I don't always leave a comment... know that I am here OFTEN!!!
ENJOY your day!
I introduced myself to blogging when my circle of friends scattered over half the world after graduation - we set up a blog to keep in touch with each other. That was about 9 months ago, when I moved from Europe to the US. What followed was a long period of homesickness, getting over things past, and changing... I am just emerging from that and have started a blog of my own to better keep track of the nice things in my life. I also realize how much I missed being creative - I left all my inspiring supplies back in Europe! Now I'm hoping to improve on that soon. Of course I also wish for comments, and if someone "discovered" me and wanted me to write a book, I would be thrilled - but let's face it, that's not very probable. Anyway, congratulations to those who are lucky in that respect!