I got a nice anon message!
In fact it was a very good tip about the blogosphere's new favorite designer, Jill Brinson.
My gentle reader gave me the link to the Jill Brinson web site which I would never have found, since it's under her maiden name of Jill Sharp. It's an unusual web site in that it doesn't scream me, me, me, and hence there is not much in the way of chatty biographical information. But from exploring the site, I gathered Jill Sharp is married to photographer Rob Brinson, hence her being credited in the December 2009 issue of House Beautiful as Jill Brinson.
I have gathered some images from the web site for you.

I think I personally respond to Jill's rooms, because we use so many of the same things in decorating our homes. I love white furniture, big clocks, industrial metal things, cowhide rugs, interesting textiles, old shutters, white ironstone, big lanterns, pretty flowers, light bare floors, quirky objects, and pretty rooms.

I've tried to bust out of my cottage lady ways with color and a modern dose of accents, but I always revert back to the things Jill loves.

Rolls of wallpaper seem to be hanging from the balcony instead of fabric!
I approach decorating more as a stylist than a designer. Jill Brinson is an uber stylist and style maker, and her interiors reflect an eye for the photo shoot.
One of the things my generous anon commenter stated is that in a recent Skirted Roundtable interview with House Beautiful editor Stephen Drucker, is that we were a bit misled by Stephen saying that he really didn't know of Jill's work until it came "over the transom" at House Beautiful, kind of implying that she was unknown at House Beautiful, and further planting a seed in the minds of us wishful thinkers that anyone might have a chance at the cover (or maybe at least get a mention as a design blogger ha ha) by throwing our work over the transom.

In fact, Jill had been published in House Beautiful before. Maybe before Stephen Drucker's time there (he's been there five years).
Since Jill is creative director for Ballard Designs, I like to call her early House Beautiful editorial "Early Ballard" and her present House Beautiful editorial "Later Ballard." Of course she hasn't furnished her homes with stuff from Ballard, but you can see the original objects and furniture she's collected, and how it is translated for the masses via the Ballard catalog.
"Early Ballard" has much more color and cottage lady fussiness, "Later Ballard" is more evolved, more sleek.
Very "Early Ballard"
Even though Jill Brinson is not yet a household name in the world of interior design, she has had a great career. Maybe she'll go the way of national success as fellow Atlanta designer Suzanne Kasler.

She and her husband Rob, seem to be well known in Atlanta where they make their home.

So here are a few more photos of their Atlanta home. It's interesting to see it styled differently than the House Beautiful shoot.

No paisley pillows from France either and no cowhide of the sofa

The parsons table desk, the silver pouf, and the side tables are different
And I much prefer the color of flowers to the green plant

Here's an excerpt of the comment that got me to do this post for you:
Anonymous said... Valorie - below is cut & paste copy of a comment left on the SRT Drucker post. Very interesting. Jill's web site is beautiful. Perhaps you can share it with your readers.
Thank you so very much for the excellent tip! I really enjoyed seeing more of Jill Brinson's work, and I'm sure the Visual Vamp readers have too!
Most images from: Jill Sharp Style
* Mahhhhvelous, dahlink!!! Of COURSE, that pic in the FAB DR, with the precious pup at the window, made it even MOOOOORE FANTASTIC!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd that BEAM in the LR????? Yes, girlfriend, DEFINITELY "TO-DIE-FOR".
The LACK of PRETENTIOUSNESS in these spaces was INCREDIBLY APPEALING to me!!! (And the windows....mmmmmm, YUMMY!)...
Thanks, Sweets!
Linda in AZ *
Valorie, I enjoyed the interior of Jill! I am going to see her website now!
One Word...Breathless!! just Breathless!
ReplyDeleteI was hanging on every word of this post!
ReplyDeleteI can't even pretend to be 'in the know' about designers in Atlanta - when looking for a designer for my own project, I had to rely very heavily on what I had seen published in Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles, as well as recommendations from friends and my architect.
I think my challenge stemmed from the fact that there are SO many designers/decorators in Atlanta - many of whom are extremely talented, and many of whom fly way under the radar (Carolyn Malone for example - if you could see her work, you would die). We love our houses and our decor here, and it seems like (in my neck of the woods) most people wouldn't even think about buying even a lamp without the blessing of their decorator. It is considered unusual to decorate your own house here.
So it is gratifying to learn about talent that has always been here in my adopted hometown, and talent that is clearly tapping into the psyche of people who love design.
Great post! I am off to check Jill's website.
These are simple but beautifully designed interiors. He’s a brilliant interior designer.
ReplyDeleteI like the colors he used on this interior design. It looks so organic and very earthy. I love it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post and new link. Hope you are well and thanks for the email. Talk soon.
Gwen Driscoll
Ragland Hill Social
Super sleuthing....Love the pics and the site. She has a fantastic eye!
ReplyDeleteLovely, I loved these images but did not connect the two! Thanks for connecting the dots!!
Hi Everyone,
ReplyDeleteI am always amazed at who is reading our design/decor blogs, especially when it's Jill Brinson! She wrote me a couple of e-mails and I asked if she would please allow me to share them with you.
The first is in response to my post on Draping Cowhides:
"Just wanted to say a very gracious thank you for including our funny little home on your blog -- the coolest thing about having our house featured in House Beautiful has been the people that I have come into contact with since the issue came out.
I got the BIGGEST kick about you breaking down the philosophy of using hides - and the mere fact that you picked up where I had them so astutely! I swear when I put that IKEA hide on my settee - the whole VIBE CHANGED -- suddenly everything was a WHOLE lot less serious ---
and the one on the table - same deal, just made the room so much more approachable - I am sitting in that space right now as I write --- I turned the table the other direction since the photo was taken and all of a sudden, this is the only part of the house that I want to sit in - must be the low ceiling and the cold cold weather in Atlanta ---"
And then I got another one in response to this post!
"Just read today's post - oh my - I might have to be resuscitated!
Luckily, HB included my website in the credits at the back of the magazine because the large graphic on the opening image just refers to me by Jill Brinson, and professionally I am Jill Sharp Brinson. My company name (and website) is JILL SHARP s t y l e - I started this in 1987 - right after graduating college and starting my freelance career as a STYLIST!
Hopefully people that want to find me will - I have gotten over 800+ inquiries about products in my home - enough that I may do a lighting spin-off business - I already have a small home product line brewing in my head - but this would just be a small endeavor - Rob and I have a cool loft here in town and I was thinking about just staging it there and making small production runs of things - when they sell-out, they are gone - I will let you know if I get this rolling -"
Valorie - just to correct the anon message, Drucker never said nor implied that Jill's work came over the transom. He just flat out did not say that. period. The anon can say that all day long but it doesn't make it true. Therefore saying he misled anybody because he said that is not true because he didn't say that.
ReplyDeleteAnd he was very emphatic in saying he is looking for new designers. He refuses to use a stable of designers like other magazines. And he told us on the record AND off the record that a new designer who has a fabulous house that comes over the transom would be taken as seriously as a well seasoned and well known designer. He is not misleading in that either. He only cares about the house, not who's house it is. huge difference. and he was very encouraging of anyone who has a few rooms at least to submit them. Not sure why the anon and you are insisting otherwise. listen to the recording, he never stated that her work came over the transom. it's all there for anyone interested in the truth.
Okay Joni.
ReplyDeleteI listened again, and you and Linda are right. He didn't mislead us. It was my mistake. Mea culpa.
Truly I apologize to SRT and Stephen Drucker.
The point that I love is that anyone has a chance going in over the transom.
I thought I heard him imply that Jill came in that way, not being one of the top six designers everyone wants. My mistake.
The fact that HB looks at any and everything is wonderful.
I'm sure Anon meant no evil, and I certainly didn't.
I don't read magazines ha ha, so I missed Jill's credentials in HB at the back of the magazine. So I was happy and excited for the anon tip leading me to her web site.
As Megan would say,
Peace out :-)
xo xo
She's baaaack! Never to be denied an opportunity to assume her rightful place among those who must have the final word about the trivial. So much for class. Guess it wasn't part of the New Year's resolutions at the "OK Corral". VV you are much too gracious. I've listened to the interview several times and it would be quite easy to come to your conclusion. Someone needs more Starbucks with a shot of Jack Daniels.
ReplyDeleteThere are more appropriate ways to make a correction between fellow bloggers than the "blast" coming from Joni Webb at Cote de Texas. Really Joni, are you so jealous that Jill Brinson doesn't email you that you have to have the last word about the House Beautiful interview. Grow up, girl! Your readers are beginning to see the dark side.
ReplyDeleteDear Anon Jan 13,
ReplyDeleteIf you have an issue with Joni, please e-mail her directly.
Joni is not jealous of me or any other blogger. She supports many of us in many ways.
And perhaps, Jill has been in contact with Joni too. That's not the point.
I did not take offense with Joni's comment, or Linda Merrill's comment on Facebook to me about this.
Many of us bloggers have Anon stalkers who blog jump to bash us on other people's blogs.
Readers have the right to comment, but why waste time with blog jumping. Just e-mail the person you have an issue with.
It would be nice if the anon stalkers would identify themselves via private e-mail, so a discussion could happen, and perhaps things could be ironed out.
Nobody likes anyone of us, or what we do all of the time. But alot of people do like what we do. And we all have our dark side ha ha, it's called being human.
Joni and I have our disagreements, but we talk about it and we work it out. That's what building a friendship is about.
I like Joni Webb. I like her blog. I like her work. Please don't stalk her here.
xo xo
Jill Brinson is the new trend setter for American design. Shall we say, the female "Axel" of the colonies. The work is not my style but none the less original and provocative.
ReplyDeleteI want that book nook. I really want that book nook.