Monday, November 5, 2012

Copy Cat John Dickinson

It's amazing how certain things come back. John Dickinson tables are widely collected by design savvy folks. Oly Studio knocked off a version that was a bit pricey. All good things come to those who wait. Now Z Gallerie has a sweet little table for only $99. that is very much in the wheelhouse of John Dickinson.

Z Gallerie Hoof Legged Table $99. - It totted over to my house!

Hoof feet on furniture has been around for centuries. From The LA Times:

Hoof feet on furniture is an early style of furniture foot, carved to resemble a realistic animal hoof (typically that of a deer); it developed along with the cabriole leg, with which it usually appears, towards the end of the 17th century; most characteristic of Régence, William and Mary, and early Louis XV and Queen Anne furniture, although it continued throughout the 18th century - This classic French table has just the suggestion of a foot

"Furniture based on the anatomy of wildlife dates back 3,000 years to the creature comforts of the animal-worshiping Egyptians, whose beds stood on carved bull legs, gazelle hooves or lion feet. Four-legged beasts also influenced the design of chairs and tables of the Greeks and Romans, who used them for strength as well as decorative detail.

This is my dining table with a hoof foot - I have loved hoof feet on furnishings ever since I saw a claw foot bath tub as a child - It was so funny and magical to me -  photo Sara Essex Bradley

Although legs were often stylized representations of animal limbs, feet were rendered realistically. Bird motifs dominated in the early 18th century: A three-lobed drake foot was a feature of Queen Anne furniture, as was the claw and ball, commonly seen on Chippendale and early American furniture derived from Chinese sculptures of dragons clutching crystal orbs.

This is the Chinese version of a hoof foot table

"In the mid-1700s, horse hooves became popular. Lions' paws were common in Continental neoclassical styles of the late 18th century. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, as archaeologists unearthed relics of ancient civilizations, furniture makers revived animal motifs. Big-game safaris made zebra and leopard hides a sign of status, and furniture took eccentric and extreme forms such as umbrella stands made out of hollowed-out elephant legs."

A classic French style hoof

Another classic French style table with hoof feet from queen of all things French  Cote de Texas

Classic hoof footed furniture - love it!

 "Animal feet can be seen even during the Modernist period, says Angela Past, 20th century decorative arts specialist at the Bonhams & Butterfields L.A. auction house. 'T.H. Robsjohn-Gibbings and John Dickinson re- created ancient animal motifs for a modern setting,' she says."

Trad and mod mix with a hoof footed table

Contemporary hoof footed dining chairs

Contemporary hoof footed arm chairs

John Dickinson table

Hoof footed stool in a kitchen

John Dickinson three legged tables

Z Gallerie three legged table

I bought the table! It's quirky and fun. It has a more glam high gloss finish than the powdery plaster finish of John Dickinson pieces, and the faux plaster look done by Oly.  I love it, and for $99. how can you go wrong?

Isn't it cute?

Cholo likes it!

Nature always inspires

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  1. Valorie,

    I adore the playfulness of a hoofed piece. I never take myself too seriously and definitely not my design, or lack of it! I think it's a terrific addition to your already fabulous home. xox

  2. That table looks awesome with your decor! Now I wish I'd waited. I bought the Oly version for considerably more than $99. But I must admit I love it!

  3. I love it! I might have to copy you and purchase for myself!

  4. your hooved table just made me smile! what a fun artfully functional piece.

    hope you'll stop by when you have a moment.

    smiles to you.


  5. That looks fabulous. I hope you get to go and take pictures so we can all see what it's like.
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  6. I just love your living room. I wish you lived closer to me so you could shake things up around here. You have a great eye, but you also consider budget. My kinda gal!!!
