I dropped off the blogging scene nearly three years ago. My husband Alberto Paz passed away then. It's been quite a ride on the wave of grief. Alberto was very much responsible for me creating this blog, and he was a constant supporter and cheerleader. With him gone, I felt there was no purpose for much of anything. Many of you have written to me, from that first awful day to the present, always checking in on me, and even asking me to start blogging on The Visual Vamp again. I appreciate your kindness more than you can imagine, and I thank you for it.
What have been doing for the last three years? Healing. Moving on. I've been working on decor and design and projects and styling jobs. I've kept writing for New Orleans Homes & Lifestyles magazine. I've kept teaching tango. I've traveled a bit, renewing old acquaintances. I had a wonderful job as one of the lead designers for Susan Holland Events (SHE) doing the decor for one of the last state dinners the Obamas hosted at The White House. It was wonderful to work with Susan again, and a thrill and an honor to be in the presence of the Obamas.
Friends and family have bolstered me up. Cholo and Kitty Bang Bang are still at my side. I've been on Facebook all along if you care to look in.
Anyway I'm back. And I hope to reconnect with many of you again. xo xo