Even those who love Swedish design have told me it's fried, died, and laying on its side. Well she was more ladylike than that, and her identity would shock you. But I think I'll keep it to myself...

However when you see photos like these in the December 2009 issue of Country Living, you know you just have to love Swedish style interior design just a little longer.

Actually this home transcends the trend, and is just beautiful and stylish no matter what you label it.

The fact that it's furnished with some lovely Swedish antiques and reproductions is not really the issue. The issue is this: it's well designed and lovely.

All decked out for Christmas, this home in the Connecticut country side couldn't be more charming.

Winter light never looked so good, so cozy, so hot!

And here she is (drum roll), the lady of the house, Ms. Edie van Breems!

You can read her behind the scenes back story of the photo shoot (on her blog) that resulted in these luscious images
And you can read the entire Country Living article
so pretty and festive... love it all... x pam