There is a nice article in the travel section of today's Sunday New York Times. You can read online at www.thenytimes
decorno also has some very beautiful photos posted today, and another entertaining and informative article. http://decorno.blogspot.com/
Sigh, look at the expressions on the faces of that dancing couple. I've told Jeff recently that he had better get ready to take Tango lessons one of these days. We took ballroom dancing lessons in 1989, the 2nd year of our marriage, and Tango was included in the mix. But, as you know, to be good one must keep at it, and we didn't. We're early birds, and after we took lessons we realized that dancing doesn't start anywhere until 9pm. Guess we shoulda' checked that out before we spent all those $$$ on lessons. Sigh. 20 years later we don't remember any of it.