I just started this blog in March. It was kind of by accident. The hubs had been asking me to do a blog for years, since they first started to appear. He wanted me to do one using our dog Cholo as the voice of the blog, in my mind's eye kind of like Jackie Susann's poodle Josephine. I said, uh, no.
I was shopping on eBay for something. This always leads me to researching a vintage or antique item. This led me to a decor blog. I was blown away.
I always thought you had to be a professional, or an established personality in order to blog on a specific subject such as interior design. I saw different, and said, well I can do that.
What I didn't know in that first flush of creativity were the nuts and bolts. The templates make it intuitive, and I kind of did the hunt and peck thing. Some bloggers are very generous too, and offered encouragement and help (Cote de Texas, The Perfect Red, Sneaky Chic, Optimism and White Paint). Others are cold fish, or at least they treat me like a smelly fish.
I have a hard time reading tech things, even simple things like manuals or instructions to put together a flat pack piece of furniture. So when I came upon the blogging tips from All Things Bright and Beautiful, I was like wow, I can understand this. She has been described as "the reigning queen of blogging tips". If you are a new blogger, take a look. If you are an established blogger take a look. And Google should hire this person to do blog instructions for the visual vamps out there who blog. I have linked to just one of the blogging tips - there are several that are very helpful. It's like a blogging beginners to an intermediate level class. Check it out HERE
He - thannk you!!!! So sweet of you to mention moi.
Love ya!
ReplyDeleteYou girls are the best!
ReplyDeleteOh man - my earlier comment disappeared - it was long and rambly - oh well - ... in essence - thank you!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry thats me - ATBAB there - not signed into blogger properly yet!