I just added the ravishing decor blog Cote de Texas to Blogs and Sites You Might Like
HEREOnce again I am totally impressed and blown away by the body of work that has been produced on this blog. And, ahem, we're just not talking about photos of sexy guys, and smart remarks...

This is the latest posting:
"This week's Cote de Texas Top Ten - #7, goes to the Queen of Clutter, Lynn Von Kersting. I can assure you that Von Kersting, a Los Angeles interior designer will be the only Top Ten pick that is more famous for owning a restaurant than an interior design business. As the proprietress of Los Angeles' most famous star gazing haunt, The Ivy, Von Kersting's interior design profession is not as well known to the public. Adding to her mystique, her interiors are not published often, she has no web site, and her book is sold only at her decor store, Indigo Seas".
There are a ton of rare photos, and a very good piece about the C word we all hate to hear - CLUTTER! So go on over and check it out, and tell Miz Joni that Miz V sent you...
Oh wow! Ms. V - thank you!!!! So so sweet of you do say all those nice things, it means the world to me.
ReplyDeleteThanks again! and I"ll be adding you too.