I was in a waiting room the other day leafing through ancient magazines, when I found this Vanity Fair spread. Besides liking the photos, I started to think that each of us has a personalty that is reflected in our decor. I've provided Webster dictionary definitions. Take a look and tell us which one you think are, or which one you think your fellow and favorite bloggers are - or which famous decorator or interior designer or architect match one of these personalities. Have fun!

- Main Entry: vamp Function:verb Date:circa 1915 transitive verb : to practice seductive wiles on intransitive verb : to act like a vamp
- Main Entry: 3star Function:adjective Date:1821 1 : of, relating to, or being a star 2 : of outstanding excellence : preeminent
- Main Entry: Pronunciation: \ˈstär-lət\ Function:noun Date:1920 : a young movie actress being coached and publicized for starring roles
- Main Entry:se·duc·tressPronunciation: \-ˈdək-trəs\ Function:noun Etymology:obsolete seductor male seducer, from Late Latin, from seducere to seduce Date:1802 : a woman who seduce
- Main Entry:co·me·di·enne Pronunciation: \-ˌmē-dē-ˈen\ Function:noun Etymology:French comédienne, feminine of comédien comedian, from comédieDate:circa 1859 : a woman who is a comedian
- Main Entry:cha·me·leon Pronunciation: \kə-ˈmēl-yən\ Function:noun Usage:often attributive Etymology:Middle English camelion, from Middle French, from Latin chamaeleon, from Greek chamaileōn, from chamai on the ground + leōn lion — more at humble Date:14th century 2 a: a person given to often expedient or facile change in ideas or character b: one that is subject to quick or frequent change especially in appearance

The Bombshell
- Main Entry:bomb·shell Pronunciation: \ˈbäm-ˌshel\ Function:noun Date:1708 1 : bomb 1a 2 : one that is stunning, amazing, or devastating
- Main Entry:dil·et·tante Pronunciation: \ˈdi-lə-ˌtänt, -ˌtant; ˌdi-lə-ˈ\ Function:noun Inflected Form(s):plural dil·et·tantes or dil·et·tantan·ti \-ˈtän-tē, -ˈtan-tē\ Etymology:Italian, from present participle of dilettare to delight, from Latin dilectare — more at delight Date:1748 1 : an admirer or lover of the arts 2 : a person having a superficial interest in an art or a branch of knowledge : dabbler
I'm most definitely the chameleon! I never know what I'll like or hate tomorrow! This is fun, I'm going to be thinking of what my favorite people would be. Are you a vamp? :)
ReplyDeleteI think I must be a comedienne since I love some crazy stuff and things that make me laugh. Like the giant X-mas lights and the pink flamingos I've given you. You are a Vamp of course,the best kind!
What a COOL and FUN Post! I am most definitely the Chameleon :) I change looks very often - Very different looks and have different sides to my personality :)
ReplyDeleteOh my dear, a bit of each, certainly!
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'm a chameleon/comedienne combo?
ReplyDeletewho me ?????
ReplyDeleteThe Dilettante !
love you xxx
I am the dilettante
ReplyDeleteOooo! How Fun! We can't go wrong. It's all good. Looking forward to your answers Ms. Valorie.
ReplyDeleteAs for me. . .
Grandma was a Comedienne-Starlet.
Mom is a Comedienne-Bombshell.
I'm a Comedienne-Dilettante.
(Mo, if you're out there reading this, stop laughing! Though it's a Comic-Tragedy now, what my home is and what it is meant to be are two different things! Just think of the me that you know, and that lets you see my future home:)
Oh, I think with out a doubt I would be the Chameleon! Always changing...lol Great posts! Blessings, Nancy
ReplyDeleteMay I be the (blonde) bombshell, please? Always wanted to be and now is my big chance! found you on gollum's sidebar and decided to pop in for a visit!
ReplyDeleteYour blog is informative and very entertaining ... I'll be back!
Cute post. Ummm...the Star I must say! heehee! Love your blog and enjoyed my visit!
ReplyDeleteMy husband said that I'm a
ReplyDeleteDiva Dilettante...I guess he should know...he's the one who has to put with me on a daily basis.
I am the "Artiste" - just give me a room with paints, canvas, paper and that's all I need. I think I need a little of each -of those grande dames.
ReplyDeleteI think I am a dilettante, too!